
Votes at 16
2025, Bloomsbury
with Ben Kisby
This short book hopefully coincides with the extension of the franchise to 16 year olds in the UK (as promised by Labour as they came to power in 2024). The book presents a compelling case for lowering the voting age, and considers this change in the context of the wider historical extension of the franchise. It then considers lessons learned from the international evidence, and concludes with some educational implications. If we want to seriously prepare 16 year olds to vote, we need to revive citizenship education.
For more details click here.

The Rise of Character Education in Britain
2019, Palgrave
with Ben Kisby
This book presents a critique of character education, specifically as it emerged in Britain from 2010. We present a critical discussion of the theoretical approach underpinning character education and the policy promoting it. Then we focus on evaluating a series of educational resources and research and evaluation projects. We argue that character is inherently conservative, individualistic and moralistic and that it undermines education for democratic citizenship.
For more details click here.

Children's Rights Education in Diverse Classrooms
2021, Bloomsbury
with Hugh Starkey
I was honoured to work on this book with my former PhD supervisor Professor Hugh Starkey, who is one of the best known voices in HRE. We explore the underpinnings of CRE in international law and policy before working with the ideas of Freire, Dewey and Freinet to think about the kinds of radical pedagogic principles that could inform CRE practices. The final part of the book outlines practical ideas for implementing CRE in the classroom, across the school, and into the community.
For more details click here.

Effective Medium-Term Planning for Teachers
2015, Sage
with Marcus Bhargava
To prepare this book we interviewed experienced teachers about their planning and then used the 5 A's model to explain the steps novice teachers can use to plan.
The 5 A's are:
I hope this will help student teachers and new teachers to develop their planning and secure deeper learning.
For more details click here.

The Prevent Duty in Education
2020, Palgrave
Edited with Joel Busher
I edited this book with Joel Busher who is Professor of Political Sociology at Coventry University with an interest in Security Studies and the rise of the far right. The book includes a critical overview of the Prevent policy and a series of studies tracking the impact of the policy in education from early years, through primary and secondary schools, and into FE. We illustrate the ways in which Prevent has been educationalised, as well as the ways in which education has been securitised.
For more details click here.

England's Citizenship Education Experiment
2012, Bloomsbury
This book explores the evolution of citizenship education from policy, through to curriculum framework, classroom practice and finally considers how the subject is experienced by young people.
I worked with a team of young people as co-researchers to ensure that the student experience was reflected throughout.
The first purpose of the book is to provide an account of citizenship education's first decade in England, and the second aim is to provide a case study of curriculum reform.
For more details click here.
Journal editing

Education, Citizenship & Social Justice
I've been overseeing the journal for several years and consider it to be a fascinating source of inspiration and provocation, thanks to our diverse contributors from around the world.
For more details visit here.

Human Rights Education Review
Editorial Board member
I've written for and reviewed for this journal since it started. It's created a wonderful community of scholars and is building into a great body or work.
For more details visit the new website here.

Teaching Citizenship
Editorial Board member at the Association for Citizenship Teaching
I'm very proud to support this journal which is edited by teachers, teacher educators and ACT colleagues. It is writen for teachers and is an amazing repository of Citizenship teacher's wisdom.
For more details visit the ACT website here.
Other publications
Here's a selection of publications. A full list of publications and conference presentations (and many downloads) are hosted on ResearchGate here.
Book chapters
Jerome, L. and Moorse, L. (2023) ‘Citizenship Education: Building for the Future.’ In H. Tam (Ed.) Who’s Afraid of Political Education: The Challenge to Teach Civic Competence and Democratic Participation, Bristol: Policy Press.
Jerome, L., Evers, G. and Suthern, A. (2021) ‘Professional Development.’ In N. McGuinn, N. Ikeno, I Davies and E. Sant (Eds.) International Perspectives on Drama and Citizenship Education: Acting Globally, London: Routledge.
Elwick, A., Jerome, L. and Svennevig, H. (2020) ‘Student perspectives on teaching and the Prevent policy.’ In J. Busher and L. Jerome (Eds.) The Prevent Duty in Education: Impact, Enactment and Implications, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jerome, L. (2015) ‘England’s Citizenship Education Experiment: Active Citizenship or Service?’ In O. Delano-Oriaran, M. Parks & S. Fondrie (Eds) The SAGE Sourcebook of Service-Learning and Civic Engagement, Sage.
Jerome, L. (2012) ‘Children’s Rights and Teachers’ Responsibilities’ in R. C. Mitchell & S. A. Moore (Eds) Politics, Participation & Power Relations: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Critical Citizenship in the Classroom and Community, Rotterdam: Sense.
M.Callum, A. and Jerome, L. (2012) ‘Promoting a rights-based perspective in initial teacher education’ in M. Shuayb (Ed) Rethinking Education for Social Cohesion, London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Jerome, L. (2010) ‘Assessment’ in J. Arthur and I. Davies (Eds) The Routledge Education Studies Textbook, Abingdon: Routledge.
Jerome, L. (2008) ‘Assessing Citizenship Education’ in I. Davies et al. (Eds) Sage Handbook of Education for Citizenship and Democracy, London: Sage.
Journal articles
Jerome, L., Hyder, F., Hilal, Y., & Kisby, B. (2024) A systematic literature review of research examining the impact of citizenship education on active citizenship outcomes. Review of Education, 12, e3472.
Jerome, L., Kisby, B. & McKay, S. (2024) ‘Combatting Conspiracies in the Classroom: Teacher Strategies and Perceived Outcome.’ British Educational Research Journal, 50, 1106-1126.
Jerome, L., Britton, A., Emerson, L., James, S., Milliken, M., & Sant, E. (2022) ‘United Kingdom: Citizenship education in the United Kingdom: Comparing England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales’. Journal of Social Science Education, 21(4).
Jerome, L. and Starkey, H. (2022) ‘Developing children's agency within a children's rights framework: 10 propositions.’ Education 3-13.
Jerome, L., Liddle, A. and Young, H. (2021) ‘Talking Tolerance: Being Deliberative about Fundamental British Values.’ PRISM, 3(2): 48-61.
Jerome, L., Liddle, A. and Young, H. (2021) ‘Talking about rights without talking about rights: on the absence of knowledge in classroom discussions.’ Human Rights Education Review, 4(1).
Svennevig, H. Jerome, L. and Elwick, A. (2021) ‘Countering violent extremism in education: a human rights analysis.’ Human Rights Education Review, 4(1).
Bhargava, M. and Jerome, L. (2020) ‘Training Teachers for and through Citizenship: Learning from Citizenship Experiences.’ Societies, 10, 36. DOI: 10.3390/soc10020036
Jerome, L. (2020) ‘Making sense of the impact agenda in UK higher education: a case study of research, teaching and campaigning in relation to Preventing Violent Extremism policy in schools.’ Journal of Social Science Education, 19(2), 8-23. DOI: 10.4119/jsse-1958
Jerome, L. and Elwick, A. (2020) ‘Teaching about Terrorism, Extremism and Radicalisation: Some Implications for Controversial Issues Pedagogy.’ Oxford Review of Education, 46 (2), 222-237. DOI: 10.1080/03054985.2019.1667318
Jerome, L. and Kisby, B. (2020) ‘Lessons in character education: incorporating neoliberal learning in classroom resources.’ Critical Studies in Education. DOI: 10.1080/17508487.2020.1733037
Jerome, L. and Lalor, J. (2020) ‘Revisiting subject knowledge in citizenship education: understanding power and agency.’ Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 15(2), 104-118. DOI: 10.1177/1746197918800662
Young, H. and Jerome, L. (2020) ‘Student voice in higher education: Opening the loop.’ British Educational Research Journal. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3603
Jerome, L. and Brook, V. (2019) ‘Critiquing the ‘National Standards for School-based Initial Teacher Training Mentors’ in England: what lessons can be learned from inter-professional comparison?’ International Journal of Mentoring and Coaching in Education. DOI: 10.1108/IJMCE-04-2019-0057
Jerome, L., Elwick, A. and Kazim, R. (2019) ‘The Impact of the Prevent Duty on Schools: A Review of the Evidence.’ British Educational Research Journal. 45 (4), 821-837. DOI: 10.1002/berj.3527
Elwick, A. and Jerome, L. (2019) ‘Balancing securitization and education in schools: Teachers’ agency in implementing the Prevent duty.’ Journal of Beliefs and Values, 40 (3), 338-353. DOI: 10.1080/13617672.2019.1600322
Jerome, L. and Elwick, A. (2019) 'Identifying an educational response to the prevent policy: student perspectives on learning about terrorism, extremism and radicalisation.' British Journal of Educational Studies. 67 (1), 97-114.
Jerome, L. (2018) ‘Hypocrites or heroes? Thinking about the role of the teacher in human rights education.’ Human Rights Education Review, 1(2). DOI: 10.7577/hrer.2873
Jerome, L. (2018) ‘What do citizens need to know? An analysis of knowledge in citizenship curricula in the UK and Ireland.’ Compare, 48 (4), 483-499.
Jerome, L. (2017) ‘Developing Conceptual Knowledge in Citizenship Education (II): Thinking About Rights’ Teaching Citizenship, 45, 48-53.
Jerome, L. (2016) ‘Developing Conceptual Knowledge in Citizenship Education (I): Thinking About Power’ Teaching Citizenship, 44, 43-7.
Jerome, L. (2016) ‘Interpreting Children's Rights Education: Three Perspectives and Three Roles for Teachers’ Citizenship, Social and Economics Education, 15 (2): 143-156.
Starkey, H., Akar, B., Jerome, L. and Osler, A. (2014) Power, Pedagogy and Participation: ethics and pragmatics in research with young people, Research in Comparative and International Education, 9 (4), 426-440.
Jerome, L. (2012) ‘Service Learning and Active Citizenship Education in England’ Education, Citizenship and Social Justice, 7 (1), 59-70.
Jerome, L. and Clemitshaw, G. (2012) ‘Teaching (about) Britishness? An investigation into trainee teachers’ understanding of Britishness in relation to citizenship and the discourse of civic nationalism’ The Curriculum Journal, 23 (1), 19-41.
Hayward, J. and Jerome, L. (2010) 'Staffing, Status and Subject Knowledge: What does the construction of citizenship as a new curriculum subject in England tell us about the nature of school subjects?' Journal of Education for Teaching, 36 (2), 211-25.
Jerome, L (2006) ‘Critical citizenship experiences? Working with trainee teachers to facilitate active citizenship in schools’, Teacher Development, 10 (3), 309-25.
Jerome, L. and Algarra, B. (2005) ‘Debating Debating: A reflection on the place of debate within secondary schools’, The Curriculum Journal, 16 (4), 493-508.